Touching the World – A Heart for it’s People

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
― Dr. Seuss
Yes it is important to go through your own strategic planning process. We can spend a lot of time articulating the outcomes we seek to deliver to clients and the products and services we offer that deliver those outcomes. We also can discuss our strengths and weaknesses as well as our key priorities for the next year.
But, having said that, I am also aware that there is another set of questions that I think are every bit as important if not more so. These include:
- Why am I interested in in facilitating finances for worthwhile projects around the world?
- Why do I put so much of my time, energy, heart and soul into building a business which helps others succeed?
- And, perhaps the most challenging question – what is the core purpose of WHY am I doing what I am doing?
Each of us must seek their own answers to these WHY questions. And the answers will continue to evolve over time. My personal satisfaction is derived from different things today than it was 29 years ago.
I also believe there is a core purpose that connects all of us. I suspect that it is not something that we can make up. It is something that we have to discover through conversation and dialog. So let me dialogue with you and answer the above questions as you are reading the discourse about my WHY’s.
- Why am I interested in in facilitating finances for worthwhile projects around the world?
Many inventors and many people, who have a good heart for humanity in general are often stuck because finances is the only thing that is preventing them from moving forward. Many times, preparations and plans have been established for many years, sometimes even 1 to 2 decades. An unstoppable enthusiasm kept them going, overcoming one obstacle after another and never giving up, always believing in their dream. I am of the opinion, that if you find such a person and their WHY is rooted in helping humanity, assisting economy, aiding communities and bringing something worthwhile to the table, then I will do whatever I can do to support and help to find these finances, so that the project can be manifested in reality.
- Why do I put so much of my time, energy, heart and soul into building a business which helps others succeed?
I believe in others people’s dreams. It is my greatest joy to see the inner core dream of a man or woman manifested. The realization and manifestation of an often lifelong dream is something extremely rewarding. This quote also helps understand that knowing your WHY is very helpful:“If we have our own ‘why’ of life, we can bear almost any ‘how.'” 19th Century German Philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche
- And, perhaps the most challenging question – what is the core purpose of WHY am I doing what I am doing?
1 Sam 15:20 “But I did obey the LORD,” Saul said. “I went on the mission the LORD assigned me.
Jos 22:3 For a long time now–to this very day–you have not deserted your fellow Israelites but have carried out the mission the LORD your God gave you.
Acts 20:24 But I don’t place any value on my own life. I want to finish the race I’m running. I want to carry out the mission I received from the Lord Jesus-the mission of testifying to the Good News of God’s kindness.